Owners Matt and Misti Barnes both grew up on family farms and currently raise beef cattle on their own little Indiana farm. When Covid set in, many custom butchering plants closed their doors. The ones that remained open quickly filled their appointment books on into the following year. Not being able to get their cattle processed, the Barnes’s had to make a trip to Tennessee where a close friend who owns a deer processing facility, accommodated them in butchering their cattle.
This experience set in motion the need to try and find a way to get their cattle processed close to home as well as help fellow farmers who were also experiencing the same problem. This is where the old Scobee plant came in. Matt and Misti opened the business with the help of a friend who located the plant and helped to do the leg work that it took to get the plant back up and running. Right away, the phone started ringing off the hook! And here we are today.