75 Bellvale Lakes Rd.
Warwick, NY 10990
8459885414 8459871818
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Bellvale Farms

Profile Last Updated: Jan 19, 2021
About Us
Bellvale Farms, the first Dairy of Distinction in Orange County, is home to 125 registered Holstein cows and a growing family of Jersey cows, too. Each year, from June through through October, the celebrated dairy barn, built in 1900, is open to the public on Sundays only at 12:30PM. Be sure to ask for "Twinkle" the popular Jersey cow who is raising quite a family at the barn! Bellvale Farms conducts tours for groups of all sizes. Be sure to contact the Farm to get the details of the tour and to see if we can schedule your group for a tour of a working dairy farm!
Business Information
Business Types
Farm / Ranch
Ice Cream
Milk & Dairy Products
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